Since the establishment of the University, the uptake of internet bandwidth has increased tremendously. In September 2015, in conjunctions with KENET (Kenya Education Network), the total capacity was increased from a mere 35 Mbps to 115Mbps and finally 596.7Mbps. This has positively impacted on the university community where the staff and students can now conveniently access online resources for their studies and research.

The University’s main Campus is connected to the Internet via last mile Fiber Connectivity with a potential to deliver up to 1Gbps





Michael Gitau 

Ag, ICT Director

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Karatina University ICT Directorate.

The Directorate of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) was substantively established in July 2014, under the Office of the Vice Chancellor. The Directorate provides technical, strategic and policy advice on ICT matters and the implementation of various ICT work processes, procedures and other administrative related matters.

Mission of ICT Directorate
 “To make available the best ICT resources for academic and management operation of Karatina University”
Vision of ICT Directorate
“To become a dynamic directorate of ICT excellence propelling Karatina University to world-class status”
Our Core Values

  • Our obligations will be executed with commitment and professionalism
  • The values of integrity and meritocracy will guide all directorate activities
  • We will maintain a sense of self respect, discipline and responsibility
  • We commit ourselves to the practice of teamwork
  • We embrace efficacy and excellence


Help Desk


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P.O. BOX 1957—10101, Karatina, Kenya.

Tel: (+254) 20 2176 713

Mob: (+254) 729 721 200
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